Starting from July 1, 2024, all payments in the Republic of Armenia settlements will be made in a non-cash form.

Salaries (only salaries of persons with disabilities can be paid in cash based on their written request),

Scholarships, payments for representative expenses, payments for business trips, payments related to state procurements,

Payments for all medical services provided in medical institutions,

Payments for all educational services provided in educational institutions (including higher educational institutions),

Insurance compensations,

Pensions, state benefits and other monetary payments established by the laws "On State Pensions" and "On State Benefits" as well as care benefits, are paid in accordance with the procedures prescribed by these laws. According to the laws of "On State Pensions" and "On State Benefits" exceptions for paying pensions, state benefits, and other monetary payments, as well as care benefits in cash, may be established by a joint normative legal act of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Reminder that from July 1, 2023, in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, payments and receipts exceeding 300,000 Armenian drams between natural entities for all transactions must be made in non-cash form, and non-compliance with this requirement will result in administrative liability.